Monday 2 January 2012


Eduardo Millan - Bodegón de la copa de vino

Silvia Martín - Colón II

Javier Arteta - Rocas

Marta Aguirre - Soledad Sonora

Francisco Carrillo - Sobreblanco

José Ramón - Sin Titulo

At the exhibition, this was the painting described by Amor:

At first sight it can appear disgusting because all this blood on her mouth and you can think of a fighter of wrestling or even a teenager coming out from a horror movie but if you look at the painting from another perspective you can see that it is really meaningful and shows more than physical pain.

After your attention has been grasped for the red stain, your eyes move towards the penetrating blue eyes and if you look at them in detail you can see tears coming out from them and they invite you to look deep inside.

The strokes are made with strength, showing fury, impotence and pain.

In sum, all this mix of penetrating colours, firm strokes, shades, lights and shapes talk by themselves and I think that the picture itself is a censure and a denial to gender violence.