Thursday 24 November 2011


To night,
all around the world, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

Traditional Thanksgiving foods are specific to the day, and the meal often has something of a ritual or traditional quality. It is also a tradition to share our own food with those who cannot enjoy a meal like ours.

The traditional dishes of Thanksgiving dinner are made mainly from foods native to the New World. It includes turkey, stuffed and roasted (many Americans would say it is "incomplete" without cranberry sauce and gravy...) and many other foods alongside the main dish—so many that, because of their amount, the Thanksgiving meal is sometimes served midday or early afternoon to make time for all the eating, and preparation may begin at dawn or on days prior.

Other commonly served dishes include winter squash, yams, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, peas and carrots, home made bread rolls and corn bread, and a salad.

If you have survived to all this stuff, and have a sweet tooth, you can enjoy the various pies served as desserts: apple, mincemeat, sweet potato, pumpkin, chocolate cream and pecan pie.

An unnecessary advice: keep the scale out of your sight!

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