Sunday 4 December 2011


Reading the lists Emilio gave us on Thursday, I recalled some idioms with these words that I want to share… with whoever read it.

Birds of a feather flock together: (proverb) people of similar interests or characters are found in each other’s company.

A bird’s-eye view: a brief survey of a subject, area, etc.

A home bird: person who prefers to spend his free time at home.

An odd bird / fish: an eccentric person whose behaviour or way of life is regarded as strange.

A big fish in a small pond: someone who is important only in a small group.

A queer fish: a person who is difficult to deal with because of his unusual character or attitudes.

A cold fish: a person who is little moved by emotions.

There are plenty more fish in the sea: (saying) there are options to take.

Have other fish to fry: have other or more important things to do.

Drink like a fish: drink large quantities of alcohol, especially beer.

(With my acknowledge to English Idioms by J. Seidl & W. McMordie, Oxford Editions)

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