Friday 9 December 2011


I tried once and again to insert this video, but I have to admit my clumsiness to handle these new technologies. So, here it is the link to an excerpt from Mandela's speech from the dock of the Court, Rivonia Trial, South Africa, June 1964.

I hope you can not only watch but listen to his voice clicking below. If it was moving reading his words (Mandela's Way, page 59), listening to his emotional voice takes you to that time and moment; it lets you share his deep feelings. My soul was overwhelmed by the trembling but, at the same time, firm tone of his voice.

By on 10/02/2009

From media critic David Tereshchuk's multimedia site THE MEDIA BEAT, Nelson Mandela's famous declaration to the court in his 1964 terrorism trial, expressing his readiness to face execution. In fact the sentence was reduced to life imprisonment. This rare audio-recording was originally made on "dictabelt" technology and rescued for posterity by experts at the British Library.

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